Sunday, November 11, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 11

Tonight I got to spend some time with my amazing roommate/suitemates from last year.

 I am so thankful for them and the time we have spent together. We had such a fun time last year and I cherish those memories so much. 

I remember when I met Kramer- we were both at an event held by Stephens for seniors in high school to come see the school, compete for a scholarship, and spend a night on campus (or in Columbia). She came up and talked to me on the first day because she saw my name tag said I was from LS and she was from Ray-Pec. We immediately hit it off and talked for a while. I didn't see her the rest of that day, but I did see her the next morning. We were in the same tour group to tour the school and we talked the whole time. We got along so well and we had both been hinting about where we were going to live and it just so happened that we were both living on the honors floor of the freshman dorm. 
At the end of the tour one of us (I don't remember who) said something along the lines of "so.... Do you want to be roommates??" And of course we were both super excited and happy! 

We went shopping together for all of our dorm stuff and hung out a couple of times, including going to a Royals game, and I knew I was going to be really happy living with her. We had so much fun together and we just got along so well! When we moved in, it was so hot and miserable not having AC, but we survived and boy did we have fun! We hung out together and hung out with Steph and Emily. The 4 of us meshed well so together- it couldn't have been better. We took some much needed fro-yo trips to cool off and hung out in our friends' air conditioned room to survive the summer Missouri heat. We had a great year, and I love those girls a ton. I know we have friendships that will last a lifetime. 

We all 4 always joke about how we will be those women who are in each others weddings and meet up annually and just gab for hours upon hours about life. I know that will happen, and I'm so thankful that we have that kind of friendship. God really knew what he was doing when he placed us all together, and  I am so thankful to have them in my life. I couldn't ask for a better roommate, better suitemates, or better friends for my first year of college. I love you girls!!!

There were so many pictures, I didn't have enough time or patience to put them all in order. But enjoy :)


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