Wednesday, November 21, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 21

For the 3 week marker of my 30 days of thankfulness journey, I'd like to express my thankfulness for cameras! They are such an important, useful thing. 
Believe it or not, our brains aren't perfect... We don't have the ability to remember every second of every moment of our lives. I wish we could, but that's what cameras are for! We have the ability to capture a single moment on camera, or we even have the ability to capture entire events in motion! What a true blessing. 

It's so amazing that we can look back on photos and videos and relive that entire event as if it were yesterday. Even if we had trouble remembering it before, once we get to see that photo or video, it's like no time has passed. It truly is such an incredible blessing that we have the ability to do that.

I have enjoyed being behind the camera with my Nikon D3000 much more than I've ever enjoyed being in front of the camera. It's an awesome thing to capture a moment and be able to look back and remember how you felt at that moment. I love getting to show people pictures I took and hear their stories and how they remember it. It's just a really, really extraordinary thing.

I look forward to many more years of picture-taking and having the ability to relive past events.

How cool, truly.

Happy Thanksgiving Eve


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