Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Gettin' Caught Up

I have been bad (I hope Santa doesn't bring me coal for that)... I am 4 days behind on my Thankfulness blogging! So sorry for the disappointment!

So, let's start with 30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 17

I am thankful for Saturdays!!! They are so wonderful. Getting to sleep in and enjoy time off from all of life's daunting tasks... particularly schoolwork. It is very rare that I will spend my Saturday doing homework. I get a mental and physical break from everything and I am beyond thankful for that. This Saturday, I got to enjoy waking up and being able to just lay in bed for a little while rather than having to jump up and get ready as quick as I can (that's how I usually wake up). 
Although many of my Saturdays are also spent racing! Even though we have to wake up ridiculously early a lot of the time, it ends up being worth it. Plus, I often get to enjoy a Saturday afternoon nap, and who doesn't love those?

I love Saturdays.

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 18

I am so thankful for the Sun! Life would be so cold and so dark without the Sun! I love it when it's cold in the morning and then the Sun comes up and a few hours later it feels warm and comfortable out. Even though it can sometimes be overly hot and can give me a nice little sun burn, I am thankful that we have the Sun. God definitely knew what he was doing when He created the Sun! Not to say He didn't know what He was doing in anything else, of course! Vitamin D is always a plus, too! We are very blessed to have the Sun, and I think that is something we take for granted!

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 19

I am very thankful for my dad's farm. My great grandma moved to the farm when she was first married and that's where my grandma was raised. I never got to meet my grandma, so having the farm is like having a little piece of her. My dad went to the farm as a kid, and he took me as a kid, so it's a really special place for all of us. I now get to share it with Dad and Jordan and we go hunting together every year. It's very fun for us and I'm thankful for the time we have spent there and the memories we have made. I look forward to making new memories, and hopefully taking my kids there someday! That would make it 5 generations there! 

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 20

I am so thankful for the ability to travel! My aunt, uncle, and cousins from San Antonio, Texas are here this week to celebrate Thanksgiving with us, and I'm so thankful to see them! It's been too long! I am so glad I get to make memories with them and see them every year. They are very special to me and I am very thankful to have them in my life. I wish Daniel and Kallyn could've been here from New Orleans, but I look forward to seeing them soon! It is so great that we have the ability to travel wherever we desire, and on that note- I am so thankful that my big brother Chris will be home from Singapore in just a couple of weeks! I am thankful that I have had the immense privilege of traveling all over the country to more than half of the states, as well as traveling to the other side of the earth this past summer! I am so thankful that I get to enjoy God's beautiful creation and that I get to see my family! We are so truly blessed.

Well, I've gotten caught up, and I will have a post for today's thankfulness later!

Happy Wednesday! 
Enjoy all of the festivities while they last :)


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