Friday, November 23, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 23

For day 23, I'd like to talk about my thankfulness for AC/heat. 

In this lovely Missouri weather, we often go from very hot weather to very cold weather.
This week for instance.... Yesterday it was 70 degrees out, and tonight it's going to get into the low 20s with the wind chill easily in the teens. When the walls filled with laughter, conversations, and love yesterday, they also filled with heat! With an oven going full blast all day, a warmer keeping all of the food just the right temperature, and the body heat resonating from our many amazing family members and friends, I was so thankful to have AC to keep our house cool and comfortable for our guests (and myself!).

Today I am thankful that I am currently laying in my bed with the vent in front of me blowing warm air right on me. Ah, heat. I can't even imagine what it would be like to live through the winter without any heat. I know people did it for a very long time, but boy, I can sure say I'm thankful for heat now. I, myself, am a huge wimp when it comes to the cold. I love running in the 40 degree weather, I love the look of fresh snow, I love the fall/winter clothing I get to wear, but man... I sure do like coming home to a warm house. My toes and fingers are always cold, so getting to curl up under a blanket by the fireplace with the heat going and a fire burning bright, I am just as happy as a squirrel in a bathtub full of acorns (I've been watching Duck Dynasty too much...). 

I feel like this might be something people forget to be thankful for, until it's gone of course. It's such a huge aspect of many of our everyday lives, and yet we never think to thank God every day that we have it. That's something I'm definitely going to start doing- praying a quick little Thank-You to God for my fantastic AC/heat. 

Well, I'm going to curl up and enjoy this warm house on this cold night. I hope you all get to do the same and I pray for those who can't.

Happy Black Friday, I hope you all survived the craziness if you ventured into stores (I, personally, enjoyed sleeping in and getting some major family R&R time). 


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