Friday, November 30, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 30

There is nothing that I could possibly be more thankful for than a loving, gracious, forgiving, powerful God.

Nothing in the entire world can compare to Him. He has provided us with the most useful guide book we could possibly need, He sacrificed His only Son so that we may be saved by grace, and He loves us oh, so much. 

What more could we possibly ask for?

He is the Creator and Ruler of the world. He is the Alpha, the Omega, the Almighty Emmanuel. 

I honestly can't even comprehend the Greatness of our God. He is so ridiculously good, powerful, incredible... there simply aren't words to describe him well enough.

I am so thankful to have been blessed by God, to have been raised in a house that praises God, to have communities at multiple churches to worship God, and to have the knowledge that I will someday be reunited with the Almighty in Heaven. 

Truthfully, I love God with every ounce of myself that I can muster up. I love His love. I love His grace. I love His Son. I love the Holy Spirit inside of me. 

I. Love. Him.

Day 30.... complete. Definitely going to have to do this again next year. What a true wake-up call it is to write down so many things I'm thankful for and to have the ability to do it again right now and not have a single thing repeated. I am so, very blessed.


Happy Weekend!


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