Friday, November 9, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 9

Missouri is an interesting place to live to say the least. Regardless of all of the wild ups and downs with the weather, today I am thankful to live in Missouri. 

I've lived in Missouri my whole life, and I'm so glad for that. I get to experience all of the beautiful seasons. Sure, it gets a little rough here and there, with the crazy drought heat from July-August and the bone-chilling temperatures from January-February, but I still love it. I love getting to wear many different types of clothing and experience beautiful autumn leaves, bright spring flowers, and fluffy white snow. 

I also love Lee's Summit. I am so thankful I grew up there and I would imagine I'll probably end up back there. It's a great town and I have so many wonderful memories there. It's a great community and I'm so blessed to have grown up in a safe environment with everything I could ever need (and want, to be honest).

I get to swim in pools and lakes in the summer, play in the leaves in the fall, make a snowman and have snowball fights in the winter, and pick pretty flowers from the garden in the spring. 

I honestly wouldn't want to live anywhere else. 

I may joke and call it Misery, but in the end, I'm so thankful to live here and that God made Missouri have every season. It's so much more fun!

Have a great weekend!


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