Wednesday, November 28, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 27

One of the things that I know I am very thankful for, but often gets forgotten is my thankfulness for my glasses/contacts!

I have terrible vision, honestly... it's awful. I can't see worth a darn if I don't have my glasses or contacts in. I see basically like this...

So, as you can see, glasses and contacts are a very important aspect of my life.
If I didn't have them I wouldn't really be able to function. 

However, I am thankful that I have the sight sense at all, because some people don't have that blessing.

I got glasses when I was in first grade. I honestly don't even remember when I got them because it was so long ago.

This one isn't actually me with my glasses, it's just a cute picture so I had to include it. I think they are my great grandpa's glasses

I was a huge sports player (and dancer) growing up. Soccer and dance were my two favorites and I literally spent almost every night and weekend at one of these practices. Glasses didn't really go well with these two things, and since my vision kept getting worse, we had to find a solution. In 3rd grade I got contacts.

I am so thankful that I am able to wear either glasses or contacts. They are such a huge blessing, really. 

Happy Wednesday! Halfway there....


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