Sunday, November 4, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 4

It seems like today, we are constantly hearing, reading, and seeing stories about people who have gotten cancer, or gotten a disease, or even passed away from some sort of illness. So today, I am so thankful for my health and the health of my family. 

I feel like I really couldn't have gotten much luckier with my health. Sure, I've had a few little bumps in the road- Mono, the typical flu and stomach flu, Bronchitis once or twice, but I have been so incredibly lucky in that I have never broken a bone, never gotten stitches, never been hospitalized, etc.
The extent of my health ventures reaches to my wisdom teeth extraction... pretty lame.

This time last year was a really scary time for my family. My brother Alex started having some pretty scary stomach pain and we weren't sure what was going to happen. We found out he has Crohn's Disease and that he needed 2 surgeries- one to remove part of his intestines, and another to reattach everything inside. Thanksgiving and Christmas were spent in the hospital for Alex and my family, and that was really hard for all of us. But in the end, I'm so thankful that Alex is healthy and happy and doing great today! 

If that is the extent of my family's health problems, I am obviously very thankful. Sure, we've had a few things happen throughout the years within the whole family, but all in all, we are alive and healthy, and I couldn't ask for more.

I thank the Lord every day for the health that I and my family have been blessed with.

I have more than just 2 parents, and that's incredibly lucky, as some only have 1, or don't have any at all. I have many grandparents, and even though my grandma passed away of breast cancer many years ago, her mother has been a huge blessing as a (great) grandmother to me, and I'm so thankful for her and all of my grandparents. We've had a few scares before, but I know how blessed I really am to have so many happy, healthy family members that I love so dearly. All of my siblings are alive and well, and I have some pretty awesome cousins (and a second cousin coming soon- YAY!). I am so beyond grateful for my family and how blessed we have all been with our health.

I don't really have any photos to go with today's blog, so that's all for now. Stay tuned for the next 26 days of thankfulness.


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