Saturday, November 3, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 3

When I first decided to do this "30 days of thankfulness" challenge, I was worried that I would run out of things to write about... but as I started thinking about what I am thankful for, I realized my list was infinite. I could literally go on forever. I don't even know why it crossed my mind that I would run out of things, when everyday I realize how many things I have to be thankful for... and it's somewhat overwhelming how blessed I really am.

So, for today, I'd like to be thankful for my church families. I was thinking about what I should write about for today, and I began thinking of the millions of things I am thankful for. That grew into a tree of thankfulness, and somehow, that led to my huge thankfulness for my church families.

I grew up in such an amazing church. Longview Chapel Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). I couldn't have asked for a better church family to grow up with. I had so many people around me, people of all ages, who loved me and cared about me and inspired me in so many ways. Jan, Tabatha, Pam, Charlotte, Wendy, Charlie, Ron and the whole East family, Gary, Nino Nina and my brothers (obviously), and so many more people who completely changed my life. Jan baptized me when I was 8 years old, and it was such a defining moment of my life that I'll never forget. I love Longview, and it will always be home for me.

As I got older though, I really wanted to connect with a youth group, and at that time I was the only one at Longview of my age really, so that put me in a difficult position. When I started dating Jordan, he told me all about his youth group and invited me to a few fun events. I really felt like it was a good place for me to be and I fit in well, and I started going more and more. NRBC became a great place for me to discover a lot of who I wanted to be in the future, and I was given some amazing opportunities and made some great friends. I got to go on mission trips and a lot of other fantastic things, and I am so thankful for that. I love NRBC and my family there- Francis, Wes, Conor, Matthias, Beth, the Andrews family (obviously), Char and Ed, Phil and Cindy, and sooo many more. I am so thankful that Jordan plugged me in to that group and that church.

No matter what, both churches will always hold a very special place in my heart, and I see God's work in my life through my family in both churches, and for that, I am SO thankful. Without all of those loving, caring, generous, amazing people, I don't know where I would be today. They both represent very important and different stages of my life, and I will always be very grateful for the memories I made and the opportunities I was given from both of my church families. 

To every person who has helped mold my life, THANK YOU. I can never express to you the gratitude I have for you and how unbelievably thankful I am to have each and every one of you in my life, no matter how long it's been or how it happened.

Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

(Photo from Tall Oaks church camp with LVCC)

The Greater the Storm, the Brighter the Rainbow.... reminding myself of that every day.


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