Wednesday, November 14, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 14

For my 14th day (wow, 2 weeks already!), I'd like to take this opportunity to announce that I have been accepted into the Columbia College Emerging Leaders Institute. 

ELI is a prestigious 2-year program for about 15 CC students to receive 6 credit hours (3 for 2 semesters) and spend the second year working outside of class learning all about how to be a successful leader in the world. It also comes with a scholarship. It's taught by one of the staff members in my office and is a great opportunity to enhance leadership skills and it looks great on a resume! I was so fortunate to be working in Student Affairs when they began their search for ELI-worthy students, so I got information about it and applied! I am so thankful for this opportunity and I am very excited about the doors it will open for me and the opportunities that will lie ahead thanks to my participation in it.

That's really all I have for today, so I hope you all made it through your Wednesday and that you enjoy the rest of your week!

Until tomorrow....



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