Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Adaptive PE

Okay, I know I'm changing things up, but I promise I will still do a day of thankfulness post today, but I just really feel the need to write a post about something else today.

In one of my education classes yesterday, my professor mentioned something called Adaptive PE. It caught my attention, so naturally, I just had to research it a little more.

Adaptive PE is defined as "physical education which has been adapted or modified so that it is as appropriate for the person with a disability as it is for a person without a disability." I asked someone on the inside of the SpEd classroom at LSHS if he knew anything about it, and I was informed that LSHS does not have a very good program (yet), but that LSN has a fantastic program in which the students get to learn and participate in things like camping, fishing, hiking, and other fun activities. 

I don't know about you, but I think that sounds like the best job ever!!! I have decided that I am going to find out much more about it, and who knows, maybe one day I'll start a better program at LSHS! So, as I embark on my journey of learning about this teaching method, prayers are most definitely welcomed by family and friends.

Just thought I'd share that....

Happy Wednesday.


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