Wednesday, November 28, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 28

I was inducted into the Emerging Leaders Institute tonight.

When we got to the meeting place, they blindfolded us and guided us on a walk for about 10 minutes across campus. Because of this, I am going to express my thankfulness that I have all 5 of my innate senses. 

Sure, my vision is crap, but I have glasses and contacts to fix that (as I wrote yesterday!). Regardless, I can see, I can hear, I can smell, I can taste, I can feel. So many people around the world don't have these blessings. 

Tonight, being blindfolded was such an uncomfortable experience. I could feel every uneven floorboard, I could hear every squeak, I could smell the old carpet in St. Clair hall, I could taste the dust in the air... but I couldn't see. I had no sight whatsoever. I held on to Katherine (the person guiding me) for dear life. It was so unnerving.

I am so thankful to have all of my senses, and I pray for those who do not.

I can't even imagine life without them...


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