Monday, November 26, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 25

Day 25 is one I've been waiting for. Since it is exactly 1 month prior to Christmas, I will talk about my thankfulness for Jesus Christ coming to Earth so that we may be saved.

I remember when I was baptized and declared Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I was baptized by Jan Keeler at Longview Chapel Christian Church on April 21st, 2001. I was 8 years old and I remember how much I knew that I loved Jesus and the understanding I had of the sacrifice He made for me. 

It was more to me than just wanting to go to Heaven, it was my ultimate thanks to Jesus for dying to save me. I remember trying to put myself in his position and I realized how scary that must've been for Him, and that made me love Him even more.

I am so thankful to know where my family and I are going after we leave Earth, and I look forward to reuniting with family members and friends someday.

I look forward to the coming festivities in celebrating Christ's birth on Earth, but even more than that, I am thankful that we have the ability to do so.
Many countries do not have that luxury, so I will definitely be praying my thanks to God for that.


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