Tuesday, November 6, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 6

Today is somewhat obvious of what I'm going to write about, I believe, as it was election day. 
I am thankful today for the freedoms my country gives me. I was able to vote in this election, which I am thankful for. I am thankful for our fore fathers who established this country above a strong foundation of rights, morals, values, and the best interest for the American people. I pray that the foundation that our fore fathers built remains strong in the future and that we do not lose what has been so important to us for many, many years. 

ONE NATION UNDER GOD I am thankful to say that in our pledge of allegiance.
LIBERTY I am thankful to see that on my quarters and dimes.
IN GOD WE TRUST I am thankful to see that on my pennies, nickels, $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100 bills.

There is a reason that no matter how large our amount of money, it still says IN GOD WE TRUST. No matter how rich or how poor you are, no matter what you do or what you think, you will always be under the watchful hand of God. Trust that. There is nothing else you can rely on to put every ounce of your trust in- no president, no vice president, no secretary of state, no treasurer, no house rep, no senator, no governor, no mayor, NO ONE. Only God can protect your future completely and only He has a plan for you. 

I am thankful to live in a country where we have clean water, free education, public transportation, safety nets (like unemployment money, disability money, retirement funds etc.), a working court system, necessary public services such as police and firefighters, working hospitals, and sooo much more. 

I am thankful for our rights and freedoms including:

Free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of petition, the right to vote for ALL US citizens 18+, the abolition of slavery, the right to bare arms, and all of the rest that will go unlisted.

I am thankful that I live in a country where I will most likely get a job right out of college (although many of my peers will not be so fortunate). I am thankful to have a minimum wage set forth. I am thankful to have enforced rules for working conditions, I am thankful to be proud to fly the American flag (most of the time! Haha). 

I am thankful to be an American and I pray that our country will grow and develop, but to always rest upon the strong foundation built by our fore fathers. 


There is a reason we say those 4 words, and that is because they are so very true. 

I hope you enjoyed exercising your right to vote in this election. Don't forget to pray for our country and it's leaders that they make the correct decisions in the future and that the United States will always remain one nation under God


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