Thursday, November 22, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 22

Today being Thanksgiving makes this post very complicated for me to write.
That would be because there are so many things I am thankful for every single day, and it's completely impossible for me to write every single one of them down. I want this day to not single out one aspect of my thankfulness, but rather to reflect the fact that I have so many things to be thankful for every single day.

It's truly unbelievable, the blessings I have received. I am so thankful to be alive and living the life I have been given, but I am also thankful to know that this life is but a mere preparation for an eternity in Heaven with Jesus Christ. As I have grown older, I have become so much more aware of the rest of the world- not only it's existence, but beyond that, the completely different worlds that all of us humans live in at this very moment.

I have become so much more aware of why things are the way they are and how they impact the way I think, behave, and dream. I am thankful that I become more educated, more understanding, more mature every single day because of my experiences. I literally don't have a single moment in my life that I shouldn't be thankful for. Sure, I've been through some unpleasant things before, but I am so thankful for that in so many different ways- they have helped me mature, they have made me more compassionate towards others, they have helped shaped my dreams for myself, they have helped me live and learn, etc.
I wouldn't change anything.

I have been so blessed in my life, and I honestly have no words to express my thankfulness for that. God has given me so much, and I know just how lucky I am for that. 

I hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving, I know I sure did.

Family fun run this morning at James A. Reed!

So much delicious food!

Jordan is such a wonderful man of God. Reading a passage of scripture from 1 Thessalonians before the prayer.

They turned just in time! Ha ha!

Poor sick Daddy exiled to the couch... 

The men watching football and discussing hunting! Some of my favorite guys in the whole world :)

The "grown ups" table

Center piece and plate settings at the "grown ups" table

The "kids" table 

Even though Thanksgiving Day has passed, don't forget to be thankful for every one of the blessings we have been given every day. 

Happy Thanksgiving, friends and family.


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