Tuesday, November 13, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 13

As many of you know, I have a ridiculous obsession with Harry Potter. So, in honor of it being a Harry Potter week on ABC Family, I must express my thankfulness for my beloved Harry Potter (books and movies!).

I was about 6 years old when the first book came out in the US- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. I attempted to read it at that time, but it was a little bit complicated for me so it took me a couple of years to really finish it. I finished it in 2nd grade, which was just right, as the second book came out that year. 
I actually was not nearly as obsessed with the books until the movies came out, at which point I was in 3rd grade. I really fell in love with the series when I saw it on the big screen, as most 9 year olds would. Reading large, challenging books at that time was quite a daunting task, regardless of reading at a 6th grade level in 2nd grade. I think it was probably 4th or 5th grade when my obsession really began. I had memorized every line of the movies that were out, and I had read the books multiple times. Throughout middle school and high school, more books and movies continued to be released, and I was that kid that waited in line at Borders for it's release and went to the midnight premiers at the movie theater. As the years have gone by, my obsession has continued to grow. I have attempted not to idolize HP, but sometimes I find myself a little caught up in it all! 

There is something about it that just appeals to me. My favorite movie when I was very young was Matilda- a movie about a little girl with magical powers who overcomes a seriously mean principal and prospers in the end. I guess I've just always had a thing for magic! No, I've never (at least, since I became a little more educated and a little less imaginative) believed that magic existed in real life, but something about it was just so mysterious and fun to me. I love that HP transports you to a different world. When I read the books or watch the movies, I feel as if I am there- as if I am part of that world. It's not so much that I long to escape this world, it's more just that I enjoy that world. I enjoy the world of fantasy and magic... the world of Harry Potter. 

Some people criticize me for loving Harry Potter and being a Christian, but let me be the first to inform you that there is a very large difference between fantasy magic and Biblical sorcery. I do not believe I am a witch, nor do I practice or believe in magic in the real world. I simply enjoy the imaginary world of magic... i.e. imaginary, fantasy, etc. 

I can quote basically every line of every movie solely based on the fact that I have seen them too many times to count. 

I love the theme of Harry Potter. Two great powers (Dumbledore and Voldemort), one "created" by the other (Dumbledore found Tom Riddle [Voldemort] and brought him to Hogwarts to learn about the magic he possessed as a wizard), the "created" great power (Voldy) turns against the other and becoms evil, desiring to raise his own evil army, but the other great power and his loyal, faithful followers [even after he dies] (Dumbledore and his followers- Harry, Hermione, Ron, Neville, Luna, the rest of Dumbledore's Army and the Order of the Phoenix, etc.) defeat the other great power in the end.

I'd suggest going back and just reading the bolded sentences again...

If you ask me, that is very symbolic of the story of God and the Devil. Just sayin'...

I love Harry Potter, and there's nothing anyone can ever say or do to make me change that. It is part of who I am, and I am very thankful to have it in my life.

The one thing I have yet to do is go to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter (Harry Potter World) in Orlando, Florida... but believe me when I say, I WILL GO. Hopefully sooner rather than later!

Enjoy some photos of my HP collection...

My HP trunk- contents below. Includes first 5 films and bonus DVDs, extra bonus DVD, and video game.

I was able to go to the Harry Potter Exhibition in NYC at Times Square, Summer 2011- pictures are not allowed inside as everything is the original clothing and props from the films, but I have more photos of it on my Facebook page HERE if you're interested.

Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook

Harry Potter film box- includes Hogwarts Express baggage tag, Quidditch World Cup ticket, Photo of the Order of the Phoenix, list of signed names of Dumbledore's Army, letter from Lily Potter to Siruis Black

Dobby cardboard cutout my roommate/suitemates gave me for my birthday last year! Dressed with Gryffindor house tie, Harry's glasses, and Hermione's purse

Stationary and watch from Pampa and Lolly

Hermione's purse

I had all 7 books, but I let someone borrow my 6 and 7 and she spilled soda on them and ruined them, so these are my replacements. I still have the other 5 as well as a HP journal and the book "The Tales of Beetle the Bard" from the 7th book/film

Photo of me opening one of my bookmark collections- I have 4 sets now. The rest aren't pictured.

I got to go to the Harry Potter Exhibition while in Singapore as well!

Props in a mall in Singapore

The pumpkin of Dumbledore I carved this past Halloween

One of my HP posters- I have one other this size as well as a small poster from a movie theater given to me by a friend

Polyjuice Potion necklace

Time Turner necklace (one of my favorite props from all of the films, as well as Emma Watson's favorite and the only prop they allowed her to keep from all of the films)

Marauders Map (it's like 4 feet wide when you open it up all the way)

Harry Potter's wand on bottom, Hermione Granger's wand on top

*Other items not pictured: Hogwarts t-shirt, Gryffindor t-shirt, Hogwarts houses painting t-shirt, Muggle t-shirt*

Now that I see all of my photos put together like this, I look kind of pathetic. Whatever, it is what it is :) Some people collect coins, others collect rocks, some even collect cars.... I collect Harry Potter stuff. What are you gonna do about it? :)

Unfortunately, I couldn't resist posting these...

I just couldn't resist myself.

Happy Tuesday.


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