Sunday, November 11, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 10

(Posting this on day 11 on accident)

Today I am thankful for my dad's farm. Dad, Jordan, and I went hunting yesterday and it was so beautiful! There was so much wildlife (tons of deer and turkeys!) and just beautiful land. 
It was so cool to see deer and turkeys and squirrels eating the leftover beans on the ground from the bean harvest this year. To see them all sharing common ground was just really neat. 

It was peaceful and refreshing and I needed that. There were so many birds singing and I even saw an owl which I thought was cool! :)

I am thankful that he has that land and that we get to enjoy it.
According to Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty, the farm keeps me from being a yuppie girl! Haha!

... Looking forward to going back next week!

Enjoy the weekend while it lasts!


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