Tuesday, November 27, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 26

I can't believe my 30 days are almost over....

So, for today, I'm thankful for social media. It is such a useful tool, really. 
I get to use Facebook and Twitter to keep in touch with my friends in easy ways that are convenient for both of us because we can talk whenever we are available rather than trying to work around our busy schedules and lose quality time to talk to each other!

I am so thankful for my blog, though, and the ability I have to read others' blogs as well. Kelle Hampton's BLOG is my favorite. She's a mom in Florida of 2 young girls, one with Down Syndrome (and a little boy on the way!). She is very inspiring to me. I first heard about her when her book Bloom came out a couple of months ago. I am currently reading it on my Kindle. It's a really amazing book- I would suggest it to anyone, not just people interested in SpEd. I am so thankful that I am able to read her blog, be inspired by her, and have another person to look up to (as if I don't have enough already!). 

I do believe that social media is often used in the wrong way, but I am thankful that I have the ability to use it in the right way and take advantage of the opportunities it provides me with.

Plus, it lets me see funny things like this...


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