Thursday, November 15, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 15

In regards to Thanksgiving Break starting tomorrow, I'd like to express my thankfulness for my car!
I would be so terribly lost without it (I know that sounds terrible). A couple of times a week, I am required to drive to an elementary school in town and gain observation hours in a 4th grade classroom. 

I am also thankful that I am able to drive myself home in a safe, reliable car that get's pretty good gas mileage! She's very pretty too :)

I am thankful that I have never received any sort of traffic ticket or gotten in any kind of wreck. So many people my age have gotten multiple speeding or other traffic tickets, or they've gotten in fender benders or even totaled their cars. I have been very fortunate with God's protective Hand keeping me safe as I drive. Also, keeping cops away when I'm in a terrible rush! :) Only joking!...but really.

I have a beautiful car and I know how very blessed I am for that. 

As the holiday approaches, I will attempt to keep up my 30 days of thankfulness. As I will be busy soaking up some majorly wonderful family memories, my time may be limited, and therefore, my words.

Enjoy your Friday tomorrow!


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