Thursday, November 1, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 1

For the month of November, I have decided to take the challenge of 30 days of thankfulness. I will make a post every day for this month about what I am thankful for.

Today, I'd like to begin with my thankfulness for my family. Sure, my family is a little weird, but I wouldn't ever change anything. I am so beyond blessed to have multiple sets of parents who love me and support me in everything I do. We have maneuvered some pretty crazy paths the past 20 years that I've been alive, but in the end, we've always made it to the next path in one piece. My brothers and sister, no matter how far apart we may be, will always be there for each other when it matters most- which is something that has definitely been tested in the past year and a half. I am very glad that, despite everything we've been through, that we've made it out alive and somewhat functional :)

I have been so very blessed in my life with all of the incredible experiences I've shared with my family, and I wouldn't trade those memories for anything. I am thankful that my family continues to grow, adding the Andrews family, the Bardon family, the Kaiser family, and some very wonderful friends. I really couldn't ask for anything more.

To my family and friends... I love you. Thank you.

Don't forget, The Greater the Storm, the Brighter the Rainbow.


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