Monday, November 5, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 5

Today I am thankful for my education. Growing up in Lee's Summit was absolutely ideal for me. I love LS, and I would honestly be totally content (and happy!) to move back to LS when I am done with college and work in the LS school district. Prairie View Elementary was a fantastic school for me to go to. I had some truly incredible teachers who inspired me in so many ways. 

Although my years at Pleasant Lea Middle School aren't my favorite (in fact, they're my least favorite of my life), I know that I received a great education, and for that, I'm thankful.

High school was so much fun for me, and I made some life-long, incredible friends that I cherish so very much. I also met and began dating my amazing boyfriend of 3 years (almost!), Jordan. I was able to take classes that interested me, including Broadcast Journalism and Filmmaking classes. That led me to the belief that I wanted to do filmmaking as a career, but that's another story. I received a fantastic education, and I know that I was so blessed to receive that education for free. That is something I believe many of us take for granted every day. 

I then went to Stephens College to pursue my higher education in Filmmaking. After a few months, I realized that filmmaking was not for me and that I wanted to do something else with my life. Stephens wasn't for me, but it was a good year for me to discover who I am and what I want to do. I made some wonderful friends whom I love very much. It was very hard for me to decide to leave Stephens and my friends, but in the end, I knew it was the right decision.

This year at Columbia College has been very inspiring to me. I've seen God's work in my life in so many ways, and that's something truly extraordinary. I have enjoyed getting to know my teammates and building friendships with fellow students. As I have spent more and more time in education classes and getting my observation hours in public education classrooms (Hickman High School and Benton Elementary School so far), the more I have realized this is for me. God put me on this earth for a strong purpose, and right now, I am gaining the tools I need to fulfill that purpose. I am so thankful to be at this school and to be a Cougar. I am so glad that it is in Columbia, where I'm only 2 hours away from home and just down the street from my Stephens friends. I am glad that I still get to be a part of the MU Tiger community and support my team. I am thankful that I have also gained spirit for my school's very legitimate teams. I love it here, and I look forward to the coming years while I currently enjoy my time and cherish every moment.

I often have to remind myself how blessed I am to have received such a valuable education for free. What a true blessing.

Make sure you stay tuned for the next two days- they're my favorites so far :) and yes, that means I already know what I'm going to write about! 

Have a wonderful week, and don't forget tomorrow is election day!


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