Sunday, November 10, 2013

Our Story

In case you haven't already noticed, on Saturday November 9th, 2013, Jordan and I got engaged!!!!!!! Woohoo!!!!!!

But there is so much more to our story, in general as a couple, as well as our engagement story, that I haven't really shared much of. I also think there are some important things to be shared about us that will tie it all together.

Let's start with the beginning...

I was a junior in high school, Jordan was a sophomore. I was 16 and he was 15. It was the Conference XC race and I was unable to race due to Mononucleosis, but I wasn't going to miss cheering on my teammates. I went to the race sporting rain boots and a lot of layers (as well as a tiger print blanket, as you can see below!).

Jordan had been on my radar for a while, but I really wasn't in a place to be dating up to that point being sick and all. That day, however, changed the game. Jordan and I hugged for the first time, and let me tell you, I was just about as giddy as a 5 year old meeting Prince Charming at Disney World.

Shortly after was my 17th birthday. 2 weeks later was the Districts race. I decided to run for my team, and it was not pleasant. And unfortunately, I was so tired before and after racing that I really didn't get to watch much of the boy's race. I saw Jordan run by near our tent and I sat up and cheered for him, then laid back down. Other than that, I spent most of that day sleeping.
(My dad and I at the race)

Then came Sectionals.... and that was the fun part. I obviously missed the qualifying mark, but Jordan didn't! I was so excited for him and at this point we were in that sort of awkward "I think you're really cute" stage. I ran all over that stinkin' Longview course cheering for him like a crazy fool. Most of the race he was right around the 30th place mark... And then... he started running towards the finish, turning over his legs to pass a ridiculous amount of people, and, HE QUALIFIED FOR STATE! I sprinted to the finish to find him and ran up and hugged him like crazy! He probably thought I was insane. 

The whole week before State he and I talked before practice and at school. I remember seeing him and our friend Billy running into Custard's Last Stand and just laughing at them because the week before State was always a joke. It was all about having fun, tapering, and getting super pumped up for the race!
Then State came. Us girls begged the coaches to let the guys ride with us to Jeff City, unfortunately, they weren't having any of that with Jordan since he was their prized possession for the weekend :)
When we got there, we proceeded to begging them to go to the mall with us, all together, but the coaches weren't having any of that either. I was so disappointed! But, when we were all back at the good 'ole Econo Lodge, we all joined up in Jordan and Billy's room (with the door open, of course!) and watched the movie Bourne Ultimatum. I sat by Jordan, and I remember the backs of our hands were touching for a lot of the movie. I couldn't have told you a single thing that happened in that movie because I was too distracted by the fact that our hands were touching! We were both too scared to hold hands, but we also didn't want to move them away! I also recall talking about how we had the same phone (some sort of Pantech phone) and asking if I could "compare" his to mine, but I really just wanted to put my number in it so he would text me- but I totally chickened out!!! We finished our movie and everyone said goodnight and proceeded to our own rooms. I still had butterflies when I laid down to go to sleep.

(I so dislike this picture of me, but it's our first picture together from November 6th, 2009 and I can definitely deal with my ridiculous, overly excited, crazy face for the sake of memories!)

The next morning I remember I didn't really see him much until we got to the course because we left before them. I saw him sitting on the tarp in the tent area and I told him good luck. He was going to warm up and left his phone sitting out on his bag.... I knew this was my chance! I put my number in it, texted myself so I would have his number, deleted that text on his phone so he wouldn't think I was a dork, then texted him something along the lines of "Hi! :)"

Unfortunately, his race was delayed because of a runner walking the course, and I was riding home with one of my teammates and her family. They were ready to leave and didn't want to wait for his race and it just about broke my heart. I found him by the start line sitting in the heat, waiting to start the race, and told him good luck. I sat down by him and gave him a little side hug and told him to let me know how the race goes as soon as he finished.
As we reached the car, I heard the warning gun go off and knew he was getting ready to race. It was awful! Not too long after, he texted me and we talked all day long. That was the day I began to fall for him, and that was the day we call our anniversary because we both knew that this was turning into something more than a friendship.


4 years have passed since that day, and I can honestly say I still remember it clear as crystal. I had butterflies for at least 48 hours that weekend. Something in my heart told me that this was different, that we were different. I fell in love with him so quickly that it was probably foolish. I was head over heels in no time. He was the most amazing person I had ever met and I couldn't imagine ever caring for someone the way I cared about him, especially being so young.

I was 17, he was 15 (he turned 16 that March). Even though our ages were young, they did not define our hearts. The feelings we developed for each other were far beyond our years. I didn't care about other guys, I didn't care about what people thought about us, all I cared about was being his.
It only took a matter of months before I knew I was in love with him, and I told him that. I cared about him more than I ever thought I could. I truly believe that God sent Jordan to me. I was not in a good place when I met Jordan. I was falling away from my relationship with God, I was not making smart decisions for my future, I felt like I owned the world. Jordan got me back into the church and reminded me why I became a Christian in the first place (thank you to my family and my Longview Chapel family for helping raise me into the Christian I am today). I had lost sight of what it was all about and just cared about the fact that it cut into my post-saturday night recovery sleep from staying up way too late with my friends. I became mature in my faith and was reassured of why I fell in love with the Lord. Jordan was my angel, and I will always be thankful to him for that. There was nothing my family could really do- they knew it was ultimately my choice at that point, but Jordan could do something about it- and he did. My parents have always told me I have an old soul, and I agree with them, but I definitely think Jordan does too. We see the world differently, and I think that's why we get along so well and why we clicked so instantaneously (even if I was sometimes behaving opposite of how I thought and felt at that time before Jordan).

It's funny to me to go back and think about the start of our relationship, because it was so innocent, so juvenile, and honestly I think it's so sweet (of course, I may be biased). It seems like there wasn't ever a time where I wasn't with Jordan, and that weekend seems like ages ago, but at the same time it's hard to believe how quickly 4 years have gone by and how easily I can still remember that day, as if it were just yesterday.


2 years passed and we definitely had some ups and downs. I think pretty much everyone had a hard time taking us seriously because we were so young. Both of our families weren't too crazy about the idea of us being so serious at such a young age (and I can't blame them for that at all). But I graduated high school and I was getting ready to move to Columbia for college. It was only 2 hours away, so I came home a lot that year. They say that distance makes the heart grow fonder, and I really do think that was true for us. There were definitely times where it was hard, but there were times when it was also totally worth it- like the butterflies I still got when he would randomly text me something sweet in the middle of the day, or the video chats where I would be down in the dumps and he would make me laugh until I cried, or the smiles from ear to ear we both had when we would see each other again. (It also helped that I had some seriously amazing friends). Those were the times that reminded me why it was all worth it. In October of that year for my 19th birthday, Jordan gave me a promise ring and asked me if I would promise to marry him someday. Of course I said yes, and we both knew we were on the same page- that we so terribly wished we were older, and that we both knew this was going to be a forever thing. 
As our relationship developed over those two years, we made sure to center it around Christ. We hold each other accountable, we learn and grow together, and we love because Christ first loved us. 


It's been over 2 years since Jordan and I got promised, and I've known every single day that I want to marry him someday. 

People always tell us we are so young, it's going to be so hard, don't rush into things, etc...
But if you know us, you know these things just don't matter like they would for other people. I believe that when your relationship is centered around Christ, it changes the way you see the world, and the way you see yourself. You love in a different way- it's not about the world, or the material things, or the  silly fights, it's about being with each other and knowing that you have a true purpose on this earth, together and apart. It's about showing Christ's love and preparing to be in covenant with the Lord. 
Jordan and I don't want to get married because it looks fun or because of worldly things, we want to get married because we love each other so much that we want to make our relationship a covenant with Christ. 

Yes, we are young. Yes, it's going to be hard (and by the way, marriage is hard no matter how old you are!). But we are not rushing into things. I have known I want to marry him for a long time, and I can't wait until I get to! The past four years we have grown and matured so much, individually, with our relationship, and in our faith. We have grown together and I love him more and more every single day. I have no doubt in my mind that Jordan is the one for me. God has put us here for a purpose, even if we are just a puff of air in this HUGE universe and our lives are just a blink of an eye, we are here for a reason. And we would not get married unless we knew for sure that God had this all in His hands and it was part of our purpose here on Earth. 

So, that's why we are ENGAGED TO BE MARRIED! YAY!
And here's how it happened!!


Our 4 year anniversary was on Thursday (November 7th, 2009) and we didn't get to celebrate much because our college Conference race was on Friday and it was the qualifying meet for Nationals. We went to dinner and tried somewhere new and then we went to Bass Pro Shops and just walked around and had fun looking at all of their Christmas decorations. We watched a movie and then said goodnight so we would both get sufficient rest before the race. It was really nice, and very fun. Every day with him is an adventure! We agreed on Thursday that we would spend some more time actually getting to celebrate our anniversary Saturday night.
Friday obviously we raced and then we spent some time with the family.

 I made Jordan chocolate chip pancakes and sausage for breakfast and had his roommate let me in to surprise him and wake him up with breakfast in bed!

The beautiful roses he got me!

Having fun at Bass Pro Shops

Saturday morning we went to watch the high school State XC meet, and I told Jordan in the morning that I wanted to stop by the Econo Lodge and take a picture out front for old time's sake. It's seriously the sketchiest motel in the area, but I love it because that's where we stayed that weekend 4 years ago! 
We had fun at the race and it turned out to be a gorgeous day. We ended up not stopping by the Econo Lodge, though, and I told Jordan I was somewhat disappointed.

Then we both "worked on homework" before going out- I put "" because I worked on homework, he schemed and planned for that night! We always like to try new places, and he said he found this really nice restaurant in a small town south of Columbia (towards Jeff City). So we went there and ate it was very delicious. Then he said that since we were closer to Jeff City than we were to Columbia, we could go take a picture at the Econo Lodge since I really wanted to earlier in the day. We went, we took the picture, and it was super dorky.

During the summer, I saw those Chinese paper lanterns for sale at Hy-Vee, like the ones in the movie Tangled, and I've wanted to light one since I first saw them on 4th of July a few years ago. I bought one, but we never found the time to light it. So we said we would do it Saturday night. 
After we took our picture at the classic Econo Lodge, Jordan said we should go find a park in Jeff City and light it before it got too cold. He looked up some parks (this is him totally messing with me, trying to throw me off so I wouldn't know what he was planning) and one was too lit up, we couldn't find the other, etc. and then... we ended up at the State cross country course (which is also a golf course). 
We walked up to one of the greens overlooking a little lake where there weren't many trees. We lit it and we let it go. It was so beautiful. Pictures just don't do it justice at all. It was dark and silent where we were except for the sound of crickets, and we just stood there together, watching it float away into the stars. It was magical. 


Just after this last picture^ Jordan turned me around and got down on one knee and talked about how this was where our relationship started 4 years ago and a lot of really sweet and romantic stuff that I am going to keep between us, but it was one of the most amazing, special, magical moments of my life and I am more than excited to be marrying my best friend. 

(These were taken while we were at the course!)

Pictures NEVER do rings justice, but it is the most beautiful ring I could have ever asked for. Its one diamond surrounded in a halo of smaller diamonds, and the band has diamonds on top. The sides around the halo and the band have intricate metal work designs and it's just absolutely gorgeous. 

Our relationship started when we were basically children, but it has grown into something so beautiful and special that I can't even begin to explain. I never knew that I could love someone the way I love Jordan. Loving him through the eyes of Christ completely changes the way I see him. Sure, we get into scuffles and arguments, but even from the beginning we agreed to never threaten the idea of breaking up or hurting each other purposefully in any way. We both knew this could be a forever thing if we treated it as so, and that's what it has become. I think we are completely different people than we were 4 years ago, but I think that's a good thing. We have both grown into adults with our own dreams, desires, and passions, but we have also grown together as a couple, dreaming together, sharing each other's desires, and encouraging each other to pursue the things we are passionate about. 
God created us as two separate people, but He has grown us into one couple, and that is one of the most incredible things to me- that we could grow so much over the past four years to get to the place where we are today.

I am so thankful to have so many wonderful friends and family supporting us right now, and I look forward to sharing our wedding journey with all of you! We plan to get married in the summer of 2015 (so about a year and half from now). Jordan will be graduated and I will either be graduated or student teaching in Lee's Summit. This will give us plenty of time to plan while being in school, as well as prepare ourselves for married life! We will be 21 (him) and 22 (me- going on 23) when we get married and we will be approaching 6 years of being in love! I feel so beyond blessed to have found the man I want to share my life with, and I'm so thankful to be able to marry him! EEEK! I am just so excited! God is writing our story, and I am so thrilled to see where it takes us.

Genesis 2: 22-24 "Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of man." For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh."

Thanks for being a part of our journey; here's to the start of a new adventure!! 


Thursday, August 29, 2013

Redefining Sexy

It's been a long time, I know, and I'm so ready to back into this thing.
So, let's get started.

Sunday night I went to the Mercy Me concert with Jordan, and it was a truly incredible concert. They were so fantastic. If you ever get the chance to see them, DO IT. Seriously, they blew me away.
Well, as I walked into the dorm after the concert, ironically, the lobby TV right outside of my room was turned on the VMAs with no one watching. I was about to turn it off when, to my dismay, Miley Cyrus's performance began. She was climbing out of a huge teddy bear, dressed in a teddy bear one-piece leotard outfit (I'm honestly not even sure what to call it...), sticking her tongue out and trying to be "sexy." But it was not anywhere near "sexy" in my book, the only word I can think of to describe it is disturbing. At first, I was angry. I knew that girls in their early teens still look up to her and think of her as their Hannah Montana idol, and that they would be watching this performance and probably imitate and adopt many of these behaviors in their desire to be "sexy." Then, in that thought process, I got very sad. And I still am. Sad that so many girls watched that performance and thought that stripping and wearing a nude bikini, performing extremely explicit, sexual dances on a married man with children, basically masturbating in public, and looking like a stripper is "sexy." In my opinion, none of that is sexy... at all. She pretty much came out on that stage and made a fool of herself, gave up all modesty and mystery as to what her body looks like, and not only made it okay for people to objectify her, but to objectify all women and girls. Our society wonders why there are increases in the pornography industry, why rape is becoming more and more common, and why so many young girls are getting involved with drugs, alcohol, and many end up committing suicide. The objectification of women is a great factor in these situations! Not to say that this kind of behavior is necessarily the cause of any of these results, but it certainly plays a factor and doesn't help! Rape is a disgusting act by disgusting human beings, pornography is an industry that seeks to make money at all costs, the abuse of alcohol and drugs can be caused by many different things, and suicide can also be greatly caused by psychological and psychiatric problems.... but this kind of behavior certainly has an effect and an influence on these situations, causing women to feel inferior and seek attention and causing men to lose value for women and girls. It trains our brains to be desensitized to this kind of exposure and to see it as being "okay" or "normal," along with the feelings and views it instills in our minds.

The objectification of women is a huge factor in why these things are becoming bigger and bigger problems. Pop culture has made it okay to treat women like meat, and we encourage it! Miley Cyrus did all of those things because she desperately wanted attention... and boy did she get it. There were 306,000 tweets per second about her during that performance. And what I hate the most, is that I tweeted during it! Do you think she reads all of the negative feedback? No! All she cares about is the numbers! And she definitely got what she wanted. 
Pop culture continues to encourage women to "break the mold," to be innovative and creative, and to be "sexy." That's what she was trying to do, just like Madonna, Britney, and Lady Gaga. 
In the song that Miley performed, she talks about getting a line of Cocaine in the bathroom. In her music video, she dances the same way as her performance, she is clearly encouraging drug and alcohol abuse, and she ends it by laying on top of a half naked passed out man and kissing his chest. 
I don't know if Miley Cyrus actually does any of these things in real life... if I had to guess, I would say she probably doesn't, at least not to the extent that she did in this video. What is sad is that so many girls and women will think that this is what it takes to be cool and to have fun, and they will do these terrible things. And that's how they end up dead, in jail, raped, overdosed, hurt, beaten, and miserable. But Miley Cyrus isn't thinking about the influence she's having on these girls... she's thinking about all of the tweets she can get, all of the downloads she can get, all of the views she can get, and simply how much attention she can get. She is trying to be "sexy" in a way that will get her the most attention.

So it's time to redefine sexy. 
"Ashton" Kutcher makes a great speech in the following link, and I would highly encourage you to watch it before proceeding...

He says that the sexiest things in the world are being incredibly smart, thoughtful, and generous. And I agree! I wasn't really a fan of him before, especially with his run on Two and a Half Men and such, but I absolutely loved his speech. Those same teens who saw Miley Cyrus make a complete and utter fool out of herself, hopefully also heard this speech.

Sexy isn't about showing off all of your assets, dancing like a stripper, singing about doing Cocaine, or masturbating in front of millions of people. Sexy is about intelligence, confidence, modesty, and so much more than just your looks, your body and what you do with it.

I love what Emma Watson has to say about sexiness...

“I find the whole concept of being ‘sexy’ embarrassing and confusing. If I do an interview with photographs people desperately want to change me - dye my hair blonder, pluck my eyebrows, give me a fringe. Then there’s the choice of clothes. I know everyone wants a picture of me in a mini-skirt. But that’s not me. I feel uncomfortable. I’d never go out in a mini-skirt. It’s nothing to do with protecting the Hermione image. I wouldn’t do that. Personally, I don’t actually think it’s even that sexy. What’s sexy about saying, ‘I’m here with my boobs out and a short skirt, have a look at everything I’ve got?’ My idea of sexy is that less is more. The less you reveal the more people can wonder.”

So true  (even if she totally had to hide all of her thoughts on this in the back of her mind for a couple of her latest roles- but ultimately speaking out about how she hated it and proving how those things do not make anyone happy). Emma Watson was declared the most beautiful woman in 2012, and that's for many reasons. Yes, her face and body are stunning, but her personality is beautiful, and she is the right kind of person to influence young women everywhere.
Sexiness is being hard working, intelligent, modest, thoughtful, generous, truthful, kind, respectful, mysterious, confident, faithful, sweet, caring, selfless, dignified and so much more.

Proverbs 31 really captures what a woman should truly be, and for years I have always wanted to be like this woman, and I'll probably strive to be for the rest of my life.

10 [b]A wife of noble character who can find?
    She is worth far more than rubies.
11 Her husband has full confidence in her
    and lacks nothing of value.
12 She brings him good, not harm,
    all the days of her life.
13 She selects wool and flax
    and works with eager hands.
14 She is like the merchant ships,
    bringing her food from afar.
15 She gets up while it is still night;
    she provides food for her family
    and portions for her female servants.
16 She considers a field and buys it;
    out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.
17 She sets about her work vigorously;
    her arms are strong for her tasks.
18 She sees that her trading is profitable,
    and her lamp does not go out at night.
19 In her hand she holds the distaff
    and grasps the spindle with her fingers.
20 She opens her arms to the poor
    and extends her hands to the needy.
21 When it snows, she has no fear for her household;
    for all of them are clothed in scarlet.
22 She makes coverings for her bed;
    she is clothed in fine linen and purple.
23 Her husband is respected at the city gate,
    where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.
24 She makes linen garments and sells them,
    and supplies the merchants with sashes.
25 She is clothed with strength and dignity;
    she can laugh at the days to come.
26 She speaks with wisdom,
    and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
27 She watches over the affairs of her household
    and does not eat the bread of idleness.
28 Her children arise and call her blessed;
    her husband also, and he praises her:
29 “Many women do noble things,
    but you surpass them all.”
30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
    but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
31 Honor her for all that her hands have done,
    and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.

She is incredible. She is everything I want to be and more. I pray that someday I can be half of the woman that she is.
But what I want more than anything for myself is for the girls and women of America, and really all over the world, to dream of being and strive to be this woman. For them to desire to be valued, appreciated, and to be as good of a person as they can be.
Sure, it's nice to curl your hair nicely, do your make up to accentuate your favorite features about yourself, and wear clothes that you feel beautiful in... but outer beauty is also limited. It's not something that makes you a better person, it's not something that will make people like you more (or, at least it really shouldn't be), and it's not something that will make you feel any better about your life. 
Being like the woman in Proverbs, doing the things that Ashton (or Chris) Kutcher encouraged, and just doing what you really think is right will ultimately make you happier than being "sexy" ever will. 

I just hope and pray that soon, our society will turn the direction around and realize that modest is hottest

Because, honestly, the world right now really scares me. I'm afraid of the direction it's going in, especially knowing that someday I will probably have daughters, nieces, grandchildren, and more that will be brought into this world. 

The sad thing, really, is that Miley Cyrus is a really beautiful, talented young woman, and if she used her fame for a good purpose, she would probably have an incredibly positive influence on young women everywhere. Hopefully more women like Emma Watson come along and aren't afraid to stand up for the morality, their dignity, and their modesty.

So, as we go forward, let us not give these women like Miley Cyrus what they want- let us stop giving her attention, but rather, let's pray for her and for girls all around the world who see her and are influenced by her. Let's spread the word that sexiness isn't about being objectified, but that beauty is truly gained within, and beauty within is what leads to ultimate happiness.


Monday, April 8, 2013


In thinking about Autism Awareness Month (April), Autism Awareness Day (April 2nd), and World Down Syndrome Day (March 21st), I started thinking about our culture and society... I know, right?

So here's what I've been thinking about...

During the winter season, we are always talking about how amazing snowflakes are. Each and every one of them is different and unique- there isn't a single one that is the same. 
~And a quick little side rant, I don't understand how people can see that and not believe in God?! I mean, really!

But back to my point....
So we all talk about how amazing it is that each snowflake is different and unique, yet when it comes to people, uniqueness is typically frowned upon. We, as a society, are so prone to encourage conformity. Sure, people can say "oh I listen to different music than all of my friends, so I am not conforming to their styles" or "I shop at boutiques but my friends shop at American Eagle so I dress unique," and you can say whatever you want, but when it comes to personalities, our society encourages conformity.

Why is that? Why should we encourage people to all be the same? Why would we want everyone to be the same? Why do we push away uniqueness and differences when we should be embracing them as something so very special?

Each of us is different in our own ways, we are all made unique, so why hide that? Why worry about what we wear, what we say, how we act, etc. because of what other people will think?! Sure, there are situations where those things do need to be considered as it reflects respect, manners, etc. but in general, why do we as a society care so much about fitting in? 

When it comes to people with intellectual disabilities, they are different. They are unique. They are special. Why is it that we exclude them, we look at them differently, and we roll our eyes at their different attitudes and words? Why do we act like their uniqueness is something to be frowned upon, when it surely is not! Don't get me wrong, I would never wish for someone to have an intellectual disability- it is a very hard life and obviously it is not exactly ideal- but we shouldn't frown upon their differences.

No, it is not an easy life for them or for their families, but who are we to make their lives harder by judging them, excluding them, making fun of them, mocking them, ignoring them, and treating them like they don't deserve the same love and respect as every other human being? How cruel are we to say that they aren't good enough?! To be honest with you, many people that I have met with ID's are much funnier, sweeter, harder working, responsible, and all around better people than a lot of other people without disabilities that I know! So who are we to frown upon that?! Who are we to say that their uniqueness is a bad thing?!

Regardless of if you have an ID or not, we as a society should embrace everyone's differences as something beautiful. God created us all to be different- to encourage, inspire, and love one another. So rather than judging each other's differences, let's love each other's differences. Let's shout to the world that I AM DIFFERENT AND I AM PROUD OF IT! Let's talk about how amazing our differences are, just like we do with snowflakes. Let's give God the glory for crafting us each specially and embrace our own differences and the differences of those around us. Rather than tolerating everyone's differences, let's accept them and love them. Let's display them for the world to see. Without our unique differences, who are we? If we try to fit in with everyone and conform to their likeness, then really, we are just trying to be someone we are not. Let's be proud of who we are, love ourselves and our uniqueness, and love everyone else's too. 

Let's talk about how beautiful each of our differences are just like we talk about snowflakes.

That's my latest rant. I hope you enjoyed it. 

Have a good week!


P.S. Don't forget that this month is Autism Awareness Month. Let's encourage inclusion and acceptance of all of God's children and continue to explore ways to help children and people with disabilities all around the world.

Monday, February 18, 2013


My heart is so saddened by the story in the link below.. I strongly encourage you to read it before you continue on reading this blog post.

You may not know this about me, but I have a huge heart when it comes to Down Syndrome. God really placed it on my heart to pursue a career in working with Down Syndrome students in some way or another (not completely sure exactly what I want to do yet), and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to do so. I was able to work with Down Syndrome students at my high school, and that time changed my life forever.
(Abbey and me my senior year of high school)

But every single day my heart is so broken by the way people with Down Syndrome are viewed, treated, and misjudged. 

I was born with green/blue eyes, blond hair (the limit amount I had at the time), but I was also born 7 weeks early at 4 pounds 3 ounces as my mother's amniotic fluid had dried and I was suffocating. Looking at me now, you would never know that I was so close to death, born with an undeveloped liver and jaundice. But when you see someone with Down Syndrome, all you see is their physical differences. And let me tell you right now, don't ever call their physical differences abnormalities or defects, because that is not what they are. They are extremely beautiful, and unique. People with Down Syndrome are born with an extra chromosome. They have a third copy of chromosome 21. Yes, the 3rd copy is a chromosomal abnormality, but their physical features are not
I can tell you what else people with Down Syndrome are born with- 
They are born with huge hearts full of love, laughter, and life. 
I can honestly say that every person I have ever met with Down Syndrome I have instantly loved. In fact, some of my friends with Down Syndrome are some of the most amazing, genuine, funny, kind, and inspiring people I've ever met. They value life to the fullest. They and their families are truly inspiring.

(Photo of the extra chromosome)

Down Syndrome should not be viewed as a problem, but rather an inspiration. No, no one would ever wish it upon someone, but it is not a curse, or something to be sad about. Don't be sad for them, be inspired by them. They are beautiful in so many ways, and I have thoroughly enjoyed working with them and I look forward to the many years to come. They overcome obstacles that you and I couldn't even dream of enduring. They fight every single day to prove to the world that they are worthy. And let me tell you right now, they are most definitely worthy. They are strong.

We need to stop looking at them with wondering eyes, and feeling sorry for them and their families, and thinking they're weird.... and we sure as heck need to stop calling them mentally retarded or associating them with the word retarded. In fact, FORGET THE WORD RETARDED EXISTS. Our society has placed such a negative connotation on the word retarded, and it's a downright shame that people use it in such a disrespectful, ignorant manner. It is ignorant, it's as simple as that, and I am so stinking sick of hearing it all the time. People use the word retarded to describe things that are stupid, silly, goofy, dumb, etc.. but that is not what that word means. But now that people use it that way, it has made it an insult. So instead of using that word to describe those things, how about just use the words silly, stupid, dumb, goofy, or just stinking buy a dictionary or thesaurus and educate yourself.

Stop making fun of them. It's not funny, it's not cool, and it makes you look ignorant and stupid. If you were the different one, would you want people going around mocking you and your uniqueness like it was a joke? No. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't. They don't deserve it! They are smart, they really are. They have an unlimited capacity to love, and if you gave them the chance, I'm positive they would prove it to you. Stop treating them like a joke, and start treating them like a blessing. Because that's what they are... a blessing. To all of us. 

People with Down Syndrome should not be pitied. They are smart, they are hard workers, they love unconditionally, they are beautiful, they are kind, they are dedicated, they are talented, they are funny, they are honest, and most importantly, THEY ARE HUMAN. And God loves them just the same as He loves you and me. Down Syndrome is a mental disability, but it is not that they lack anything, it's that they've gained an extra chromosome. We need to stop looking at them like they are strange, but acknowledge and love the fact that they are different. They are special, and honestly, I genuinely enjoy hanging out with them and being friends with them. They have the same feelings we have. Just because they have a mental disability doesn't mean that they don't feel. Sure, some things take a little bit longer for them to learn, but that doesn't make them stupid, it just means they have to work a little harder than we do. And when you call them stupid, it is downright disrespectful. They feel the same way as you do, and I know if I sat here and called you all kinds of mean names, you would be hurt too. They still work towards the same goal that we do- fulfilling their dreams. 

The ignorance has to stop. The abuse has to stop. The sheer lack of respect has to stop. If you are with me, please go to and sign the pledge to stop using the word "retarded," and follow through with that pledge. And if you don't understand why it's offensive, hurtful, and disrespectful to use that word, please read this beautiful letter by John Franklin Stephens, a Special Olympics athlete and an advocate for the r-word campaign. John's Letter
(This is John)

It's time that we do something. They do not deserve to be treated the way so many people treat them. They deserve to be celebrated, because they are stinking awesome! They are beautiful humans who should inspire us all to work as hard as they work every day, because it is truly incredible the obstacles they overcome. So stop pitying them, stop feeling sorry for them, stop disrespecting them and love them. Support them. Befriend them. 

That is my tangent for the night. I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you truly take it to heart and stand up for them the way I am asking you to. March 21st is Global Down Syndrome Day, please join the fight to educate people around the world with me.
To donate to the cause, you can go to National Down Syndrome Society or you can go to Pinmart and purchase awareness products such as keychains, lanyards, shirts, and bracelets.

Friends, I am asking you to join with me and join with every person with Down Syndrome in stopping the unwarranted abuse and ignorance around the world.


Sunday, February 17, 2013


Whoooey- it's been a long time since I've blogged! I've really missed it!

Well, I saw an interesting photo on Facebook the other day that really got me thinking.

I love how this photo says "be brave enough," because bravery isn't always associated with relationships. Thinking about this really made me realize how amazing some of my friends are, and the contrary for others.

I am so thankful for my amazing friends. The past few years my circle of friends has changed and grown, but there are a few that will always be a part of that circle. Emily Dickinson once wrote, "My friends are my estate." Friends are a foundation of life... they are irreplaceable, and I have some of the best!

I know I have written a post talking about my friends, but I just have to go back and remind them how incredible they are and how thankful I am to have them, because they are honestly the most incredible friends anyone could ever dream of.

Crystal Lohr and I have been friends since my 7th grade year. She has been such a healthy influence in my life and I honestly don't know what I would do without her. She is seriously such an amazing woman and I look up to her in a lot of ways.

Allie Dean, Marlee Tegenkamp, and Ryan Courier were my first best friends in high school, and they remain my best friends today. All 3 of them helped shape who I have become and were amazing influences on me in high school. I always used to joke that Ryan and Marlee "took me under their wings" when I was a freshman and made those first two years of high school such a blast! Allie Dean and I have such a weird, but awesome relationship. We both rely on each other for so many things- we are each other's "reality check" in the hard times, a shoulder to cry on, and the first person each other texts when something exciting happens. Through high school she led me spiritually in a lot of ways that helped mold the faithfulness I have now. She was a great role model for me in high school, and I'm so thankful for everything she has done for me. To this day I can meet up with all 4 of these girls and it feels like no time has passed at all! I have a feeling it will be that way forever. 

My first year of college was seriously SO much fun. I absolutely loved living with Emily, Kramer, and Steph. We all got along so well and I love all 3 of them. Last night I got to hang out with them, and I ended up staying at Kramer's until like 2am talking with her and Steph. We talked about everything imaginable, and it was seriously the best therapy there is. There's nothing like some major girl talk :) I genuinely believe that God brought Kramer in my life as my roommate for so many reasons, and it's amazing because we are both each other's rock. It's really hard to explain, but we both came to college in very similar positions and we grew together and it was perfect to have each other there. Even now we struggle with the same things and get excited about the same things and it's great to have a partner in crime :) I seriously couldn't ask for a better best friend and I know that she will be another one like the ones before that I will be friends with forever. And the same goes for Steph and Emily as well. We've all even talked about how every 5 years we will have to have some sort of reunion and we even have our own Facebook group just for the 4 of us where we talk and stuff! It's a genuinely special relationship I have with those women and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

It's truly inspiring to me that I have such strong relationships with so many amazing women. They are all wonderful influences in my life and I wouldn't know what to do without them! They are all the kind of friends that I can always be myself around and I know they won't judge me, or talk behind my back, or treat me badly... they always support me and love me and are the greatest friends I could ask for. 

And as far as Jordan goes, there's absolutely nothing in the entire world that could ever make me question what an amazing friend he is. He is my go-to guy, the person who tells me it's going to be okay when I feel like everything is falling apart, the one who reminds me every day of how amazing I am and how beautiful I am and how much he loves me, he is the one who celebrates my victories with me- no matter how big or small. He is an amazing man and I wouldn't trade him for the world. 

There are quite a few other friends from the past few years that have been wonderful additions to my life, and y'all know who you are! I just don't have enough time or space to write about so many people!  So thank you to all of you for being so wonderful and being great friends to me. I love you.

It's hard to accept the fact that not all "friends" are going to be like them. There are always going to be people who are going to gossip about me, who will unfairly judge me, who are going to try and hurt me, who will try and make me feel bad about myself, but they can't control me. If I let them weigh me down, I'm losing out on so much in life. Eleanor Roosevelt once said 
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." 
That is such a powerful quote, as it really is painfully true. So many times people have this negative affect on us, making us feel inferior, and we let them. But confidence shouldn't come from what others think about you, it should come directly from your confidence within. God loves you no matter what, especially no matter what other people think. God's opinion and your opinion of yourself are what matter- not anyone else's. I am proud of the woman I have become, and I know God loves me just the way I am, and I am never going to let other people make me forget that. Because if I do, I lose myself, and if I lose myself, I have nothing. If people want to spend their time talking about me and my life, let them! That's their own problem- not mine! If they want to judge me and make me feel bad about who I am, that's just going to make me want to be me even more! Because I know that they don't matter. I have amazing friends who love me for who I am and support me in everything I do; I have a miraculous, incredible, perfect God who will always love me, always support me, always believe in me, always forgive me for my mistakes, and always be there for me. I have a wonderful family who will always love me and always support me and never judge me for my mistakes, but pray for me to learn from them and grow from them and be there for me when it's hard. I have the kind of support system that I could only dream of! It's wonderful, and I wouldn't ever want to trade any of them for anything in the whole world. 

It's time for our society to stop living to impress other people, but rather live to please our Lord. I just find it funny that it's so easy for other people to get under our skin when, in the end, only the Holy Spirit inside us can tell us when we've sinned or done something wrong. No one else should have the power to make us feel inferior. I don't want to live to please other people, I want to live for God and please Him in everything I do. And if my friends and family really love me (which I know they do), they will support me in everything I do as long as I'm doing it for God and for myself- not to please anyone else.

Thank you to everyone in my life who has supported me, loved me, and influenced me over the past 20 years. I love you all SO much, and I can never thank you enough for everything you've all done for me. 

Well, it sure does feel good to blog again and get my thoughts off my chest! 

Have a smashing week.