Monday, December 10, 2012

Sicky Sick Sick

I hate being sick. 

It really stinks.

I have been sick since last Wednesday and it's been one of those stupid ones where you think you're getting better and then you wake up the next morning and you feel like crap again. That's super fun. NOT. 

Being sick keeps me from being able to go to work, and it keeps me from being able to run, which I really hate. 

So, this time, I've really been thinking why on earth God would create us with the ability to get viruses, colds, bacterial infections, cancer, diseases, disabilities, and all that stinky stuff. 

Obviously I don't have the answer to that- and I'm sure God will gladly explain it to me once I get to Heaven, but for now I'm just going to take it as God telling me I need to take better care of my body by eating healthy (which I've actually done pretty well on lately! Even with my major sweet tooth- I BLAME YOU FOR THAT GENE DAD! :) ), drinking more water, sleeping more/better, and dressing very warm when it's cold outside, even if it was 70 degrees the day before. I trust that He has a reason for every physical and mental challenge we face in our lives and that no matter how sick I am or anyone else is, He is holding us in the palm of His protective hand.

As I was thinking about this, I started to think about how on Earth people can possibly believe that we, and everything around us, just happened to be here by chance. Atheism, Scientology, and Evolutionism just don't make any sense whatsoever. 

How can someone honestly believe that the Earth is just here because of Science, or that we are here by somehow evolving from a microscopic bacteria all the way up to an ape, neanderthals, and all that crap? If we were here from some bacteria, how is it that we have such strong personalities, dreams, desires, feelings, biological miracles, and everything else that makes us so unbelievably complex?!

No. Just... No. It doesn't make any sense.

The only logical explanation for why we are here is that we have an Almighty Creator who wanted to create us in His image! It is far too complex to be some coincidence. 

And you know what? I would much rather believe that I was created in the image of an Almighty, Powerful, Loving, Forgiving, Perfect God, than believe that I evolved from a primate. I mean, really. Gross.

And you know what else? I would definitely much rather believe (and know) that I am going to a perfect Heaven to spend eternity with my Creator than believe that once I die I'm just dead... that's it. In the ground. Gone forever. No thank you. I definitely want to go to Heaven and I so look forward to being there someday (even if I love my life and enjoy being on the Earth). 

I love knowing that I don't have to be afraid of death. Sure, it makes me sad to know that there are people on this Earth that I will never see again once I die, but I am much more comforted than sad in knowing that I will be reunited with the people who matter most to me and that I get to spend an eternity with them in a place with Pearly Gates and Streets of Gold. 

I wish I had all of the answers to the questions I have for God, but I know that I can't have all the answers because He is all-knowing and it would not be fitting for me to be. Sure, the serpent creeps into my mind every once in a while and tries to convince me that there are ways to know everything, but that is crap. I know that I can't know everything because if I did, how would God know that I trust Him for Him, and not for knowledge. It's sort of like Santa Claus (I know, I know), seeing/knowing isn't believing. It's trust. 
It's faith

So, I reiterate... Atheism, Scientology, Evolutionism... It's all a bunch of crap. It really is.

God is good. I am so thankful that I am saved and that I have an unfailing faith in my Lord and Savior and the Holy Spirit inside me. Praise the Lord for that.

So, as I sit here with my raspy man-voice and sound like Stevie Nicks trying to sing Christmas music, I will be comforted knowing that God has a plan for me and this is all part of it, even if I don't always like it. I know it's for a reason and I will certainly be thanking Him for only giving me a virus and for giving me a little wake-up call on what lifestyle changes I need to make (i.e. drinking more water, sleeping better, all that good stuff). 

Here are some photos of God's incredibly beautiful world that I have been able to see. I look forward to traveling more in my life and seeing more of His Hand's creations.


Snorkeling in Mexico- the water was SO clear. Haven't scanned the underwater camera photos, but it was SO beautiful. Colorful fish and beautiful coral reefs. 


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