Sunday, December 9, 2012

Shining Bright

Okay this may be strange, but I was watching a Lowe's commercial and it had this song on it that had the lyrics "Just shine, shine for me" and it really got me thinking- I am the light of the Lord. I am on His Earth to spread His light in the deepest, most vast darknesses. I am here to shine for Him as long as I walk the Earth in everything I do. 

I guess I don't always think that way. I think about having a relationship, I think about staying faithful during trials, I think about trying to be obedient, I think about doing good works for His purpose, I think about trusting that He has a plan for me, I think about trying to be an example of His love in the world, but I don't thinking about truly SHINING

The word shine is defined in the dictionary in it's noun tense as "the quality of being bright and sending out rays of light;" 
the verb being:

"Be bright by reflecting or casting light"
"Emit light; be bright, as of the sun or a light"
...and even "Experience a feeling of well-being or happiness, as from good health or an intense emotion" 
The last description included a description synonym sentence "She was beaming with joy"- which I found as a little "God wink ;)" because joy, as I have learned, comes only from a relationship with God and living a life of JOY- Jesus first, Others second, You last. 

Shining for Christ is living a life of joy and happiness and spreading the Good News to every person you encounter, even if that's simply by smiling; by saying "I'm praying for you;" by being kind and wearing a cross around your neck; or in the best way possible- sharing the Gospel. 

Since we came back to school, I really haven't been shining. Sure, I'll gladly talk to anyone about God and Jesus and my faith, I'll loudly proclaim to anyone that I am a Christian, I'll pray in public over my food, but I'm not shining. I'm not smiling just because I know that I am loved by a perfect and amazing God, my Creator

I want to shine for Him. I want to shine so bright that the sun looks like a nightlight. And by golly, I am going to SHINE, because shining is what I was made for. Shining is the best way to show people I am a Christian and that makes me the happiest I could ever wish to be

So, I will go forth in this week shining as bright as I possibly can (even being sick!), and I pray that you do too!

Shine for Him! Spread His rays of light upon the world!

Have a wonderful week.


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